The Next Chapter in Love - Course | Turning 30 Coach
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Embrace your unique path and take control of your love life in your thirties.

Doors now open: special launch offer!

The Next Chapter in Love is a course designed especially for women in their thirties who are ready to build their next chapter in love .

In this course you will reflect, accept and take action to thrive and find fulfillment whilst being consciously single. You will heal your past, accept your present and learn how to intentionally date in a way that feels authentic to you. 


Society tells us that being a single woman in our thirties is something to worry about. That we must chop and change our lives to suit the status quo.

​What if we want to embrace who we are, learn to love ourselves and then build a life that feels right, whilst actively working towards calling in our next relationship?

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Being single in our thirties gets to be a privilege, not a burden. 

We can make the most of this time being single to deepen the love for ourselves and feel confident about the path we are on. 

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

You feel sad about your single status and you are panicking that you are never going to meet someone

You feel that you have failed in your love life

You are worried that you are ‘running out of time’ or have missed the boat because you haven’t met someone by this age


You are angry or frustrated at yourself for the mistakes you have made in relationships up until now

You feel left behind, like you are in a race and you are losing

you are stuck in repetitive dating patterns, have been dating ‘the wrong people’ and have negative thoughts about dating, or:

You have given up on dating altogether and can’t remember the last time you went on a date

It seems that everyone around you knows what they are doing when it comes to love, and you are the only one struggling to find your way

You don’t have to sit and wait for things to change, you can take control and create a better reality, starting today.

Are you ready for your new chapter in love?

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Do you want to feel better about your love life, but you don’t know where to start? 

I hear you. I know how you feel because I WAS you. 

The week of my 33rd birthday, I found myself unexpectedly single after the abrupt ending of a four-year relationship.

I re-entered the world of dating in the midst of trying to heal from my break-up and I felt lost and overwhelmed. Moving into an apartment alone for the first time and facing a new reality in my thirties that I had not planned for.

It was during the months following this break-up that I fell into deep confusion over whether I was ready to move on and meet someone and I was struggling to come to terms with the fact my path had taken such a twist.


It was at this point that I decided to use the coaching tools that I had developed over the years, but adapt them specifically to taking control of my new single status and how I would approach the world of dating. 

I stepped into my full self-worth, decided to solo-travel, spent time getting to know my authentic self, began healing my relationship patterns and entered the world of dating full of confidence and trust. 

This led me to meet my current partner and to be in the most healthy and conscious relationship I have ever been in. 

This course has been created based on my personal experience over the last three years that led me to this relationship. 


“My first time taking part in a course like this. It’s easy to hesitate when seeking a price tag on an intangible purchase, but I felt it was worth the commitment as I had decided I didn’t want to be in this same ‘place’ (mindset, career, lack of confidence) come this same time next year.Emma covers an array of topics in her sessions from Comparisons to Confidence, which serves up many ‘A-Ha’ moments as you venture through them. Would recommend to anyone who is feeling lost in their current situation or just wanting to lighten up those ‘grey’ areas you are feeling. With Emma, you're in good hands :)”

-Stacy, 31

Abstract Leaves

You don’t have to sit back and wait for something to happen or hope that someone will come and sweep you off your feet.

You have to stop expecting that things will just change as time goes on.

Take your love life into your own hands and create the change yourself. 

This program is made for you if:

You are feeling stuck in your  love life and would like to make a change


You are ready to take responsibilty and start taking ownership over your single status.


You are tired of feeling lonely when you are single, and ready to feel completely FULL of love - with or without a partner.

You are ready to do the deep work to get to know yourself

Taking time out of your daily life to work on your love life is something you don’t usually do, but you would love to start

You are fed up of dating and you are ready to learn how to enjoy it

Completing this course will give you:

A comprehensive toolbox of skills so that you can embrace being single whilst consciously dating

A tangible method of how to get the love life that you want

An understanding of what mindset work is and how it can help you to meet a future partner

Practical suggestions for how to start putting these actions steps in motion

You don’t have to settle for a love life that is less than you deserve.

You have to stop expecting that things will just change as time goes on.

Take your life into your own hands and create the change yourself. 

The concepts I teach in this program will help you to:

CREATE a vision for the life you want to live.
TAKE CONTROL of your future.
FEEL PROUD of the life you are building.

Sounds like she is someone you want to become?

You are just one decision away from becoming this future version of you.


Take a moment to imagine a future version of yourself who has completed this course. 

Embraced her single status,  whilst also being excited for the future

Feels gratitude for the path that she is living and knows that it is her unique life’s journey . 


Is at peace with her life and doesn’t feel that she is running out of time

Is confident about what she brings to the table when it comes to dating

has a deep love and appreciation for herself, has a thriving life and knows what isn’t going to settle for a partner who doesn’t add to her life to make it even more amazing than it currently is .


Has a deep awareness of herself and is self-compassionate and forgiving
is ready and excited to meet a partner, but isn’t sacrificing her entire being to making sure that it happens tomorrow

Part of a community of like-minded thirty-somethings who are also committed to building their next chapter in love

Your Course Leader- Emma 

Over the past seven years, I have learnt and developed my coaching tools that have enabled me to grow from a lost and confused 29 year old to a confident and empowered 36 year old.

In this time I have: 

Left a career that I knew wasn’t fulfilling me, that I had wanted to leave for years
Followed my dream to create a fully-booked coaching business that I know is my true calling
Ended a four-year relationship that wasn’t serving me to embrace being single and dating in my mid-thirties
Moved in to a new apartment to live alone and became fully self-sufficient in every sense of the word
Spent my winter on the beaches of Mexico and Costa Rica, working as a digital nomad 

Developed a consistent balanced routine, including daily journaling and a yoga practice (29 year old me did not exercise AT ALL!)
Full confidence that I am on the right path and I can coach myself through anything that life brings my way
Chosen to live a life that feels right for me, embracing who I am and not being afraid to strive for more instead of settle for less

These results are a culmination of investing in my own coaching, developing tools and skills over time to create this life that I love. My mission now is to share this with as many people as possible, so it doesn’t also have to take you years. 

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“I've enjoyed each and every module learning so much every time. For me I wanted to get to know myself more and understand my authentic self which this course has massively helped. I have struggled  with crippling insomnia from not being able to process my thoughts but have seen massive improvements since starting this course. It has been such a positive experience with the best thing being meeting other like minded people who make you realize you're not alone.”



My Clients

My clients are living proof of the results that can be created by learning my coaching concepts in only three months. The big change is always how it feels on the inside, but in addition to this, here are just a snapshot of some of the results my clients have been getting by learning and implementing my coaching tools:

Quit jobs that they didn’t like and found amazing new jobs that are much more suited to them

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Learned how to like their current job, when they were convinced they wanted to leave

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Been promoted in their current role with significant salary increases

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Taken the leap to set up their own businesses, from consultancies to life coaching practices

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Changed their money mindset, enabling them to stop bad spending habits and start saving up 

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Left romantic relationships that weren’t serving them

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Started actively dating again, many starting new committed relationships

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Improved relationships with existing romantic partners, family members and friends

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Been accepted into business school and masters programs (yes at the age of 30 and beyond!)

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Started new hobbies and implemented healthy lifestyle routines

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Image by Daniel Olah


I have worked with 100s of women in their thirties to help go through huge life transitions and reach their personal goals.


“I came into the course at a time I was feeling very lost in my life and what the future held for me and unsure on the steps I should be taking to work things out. Through Emma, the Next Chapter Course and the people I've met as part of the course; I have come out feeling a lot more assured of who I authentically am and not to settle for things that don't align with this through learning around concepts like Emotional Adulthood, Comparison  Manifestation. I feel much happier in my life and situation and ultimately now unafraid to invest in myself.”

-Sean, 32

Hear it from them:


“I signed up for the Turning 30 course because I was in a state of inaction when it came to making big life decisions, due to expectations I'd set for myself as a 32 year old, and feeling as though I was so far off where I should be at this age. I feel as though all parts of the course enabled me to learn more about myself and grow, from the live workshops, to the self paced study modules. At the end of the course I achieved my goal of changing my physical environment and I really don't think I would have done this without the support of Emma and the group.”

- Lauren, 32


I came to the course as a 30 something who felt different and wasn’t ticking the necessary boxes and life milestones. Emma’s workshops changed my way of thinking and taught me there are others out there just like me, and changing my mindset around obstacles such as comparison and confidence. As a result of doing this course, I feel much better in my skin than I have in a long time, that I am enough, and I can finally feel like I can truly live my life how I want to!”

- Anon, 34

Inside the Course

Inside the course 

The course is a self-paced study course with an interactive community.

26 Video Modules with over 10 hours of content to teach you how to build your next chapter in love

 Accompanying Notion Templates 

Exclusive access to the private NCIL Facebook Community

3 pre-recorded  workshops on core Turning 30 Coaching concepts 


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Self-Study Modules

In the self-paced study modules that you have life-time access to, I teach you my three-step method for implementing lasting change, enabling you to build your next chapter in love:

Intro and Foundation

Introduction Modules



Future You Exercise + Meditation



Grieving the ‘other’ path

Healing after a break-up 

How to Create Hope


Practical Toolbox for Acceptance



Relationship beliefs

Attachment Styles 

Relationship Audit 

Love Languages


Take Action

Reprogram your mind

Self-worth in dating 

Dating without attachment 

Owning your timelines


Manifesting the love life you want

turning 30 coach

“Emma really helped me with my self-belief and self-esteem at a time when I felt like I’d lost my way and my joy. After months of feeling like I didn’t know who I was, Emma helped me get to the core of me, who I am and why I do what I do.”

-Karina, 32

Here's what else you will get:

Bonus Workshop Recordings

Gain exclusive access to three Turning 30 workshop recordings that will teach you core coaching skills to support you to build your next chapter in love: how to master the mind, emotional adulthood and the updated f*ck the timelines and live your own path at 30 comparison workshop.

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Interactive Notion Templates

Exclusive access to Notion templates for completion of the coaching activities from the self-study videos. These templates are interactive and can be downloaded to your free personalized Notion account. Turning 30 is a proud partner of Notion.

Exclusive Facebook Community

You will gain exclusive access to The Next Chapter in Love Community group on Facebook, where you will be able to connect with other thirty-somethings also working to build their next chapter in love. This is a safe space to share your progress with the course, get support from a wider audience and direct access to Emma the course leader. 

turning 30 coach

“I came to Emma out of a sense of misalignment, I wasn't who or where I wanted to be. I genuinely believe this program has changed who I am at my core. I am happier, healthier in my mind and body, more confident and more relaxed about all the things that used to stress me out.”

-Hannah, 29


Are you ready to build your next chapter in love?




26 Self-Study Modules with lifetime access 

Accompanying Interactive Notion Templates

Exclusive access to a private Turning 30 Facebook Community


3 workshops on core Turning 30 Coaching concepts




26 Self-Study Modules with lifetime access 


Accompanying Interactive Notion Templates


Exclusive access to a private Turning 30 Facebook Community


3 workshops on core Turning 30 Coaching concepts 

By signing up for The Next Chapter in Love, you agree to the full Terms and Conditions. Click here to read these in full.

Frequently Asked Questions


About the Program

About You

What can we help you with? Send us a message and we will get back to you shortly!

I think you are here for a reason

I’m the first one to admit that being in your thirties and being in a different stage of life to where you thought you would be, or to those that are around you, can be triggering. It can cause you to question yourself and your life decisions and in the worst case, it can cause you to feel hopeless about your future.

But you have two options at this point: to give up and resign yourself to not living a life that is all of the things it should be, or take control and start taking action.

It will require you to step up and admit that you want a different life.

It will require you to invest in yourself and believe in the idea that you can build a different reality, no matter how that might look.

And no, you don’t have to dedicate your thirties to meeting someone, you can create the life you want AND ALSO open yourself up to meeting someone. 

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Em x

Are you ready for your Next Chapter in Love?

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