Embrace your thirties, and live a life on your own terms.
Just because it didn’t turn out exactly as you planned it, doesn’t mean you have to settle for less.
You deserve a life that you love.
Doors Now Closed - join Waiting List.
Reclaim Your Thirties is a four-month immersive group program designed especially for single-women who are ready to embrace their thirties.
Designed to support you to live your life on your terms, that doesn’t only look good on the outside, but feels great on the inside.
A group where we will shed social constructs together, to give you the freedom to be who you really are, without judgement, alongside a community of like-minded women, supporting and encouraging each other along the way.

Society puts pressure on us to have done certain things by the time we reach our thirties.
It's a myth that we all need to adhere to the same timelines.
It's time to live your own path.

Do you often feel that you are ‘doing life wrong’, just because it doesn't look the same as those around you?
Are you ready to live the life that you want, instead of the life others want for you?
Society tells us that being a single woman in our thirties is something to worry about. That we must chop and change our lives to suit the status quo.
What if we want to embrace who we are, learn to love ourselves and then build a life that feels right, instead of trying to fit in with those around us?
Do any of these sound familiar to you?
You often feel different from your friends and peers as they are at a different stage of life to you and sometimes you wonder when your time will come.
You struggle with comparison and often feel left behind when you see others reaching milestones that you strive to reach.
You feel that your age is something that you are worried about, and you aren’t embracing growing older.
You struggle with feeling that you are alone, and this affects your social life and the way you spend your free time.
You feel stuck and want to take action, but you aren’t sure where to start.
You sometimes feel that you don’t belong and that you are missing a group of people who understand and can relate to your and your stage of life
You are being called to explore yourself more, and have recently been looking inwards to understand why you feel the way you do
You are fed up of being the only one at the table not talking about her partner (or the latest wedding celebration) and are craving a group of friends at the same stage of life as you
If yes, it is time to embrace who you are, to get to know your authentic self and to reclaim all the parts of you: because you are unique, brilliant and worthy exactly as you are!
Are you ready to reclaim your thirties?

“I decided to sign up to the program because I thought I need to start putting myself first and needed to make changes in my life. I loved the group aspect of the program as Emma and all the girls were so supportive and gave great advice in our group sessions (miss our weekly sessions already!) It has allowed me to accept me for who I really am, and not what society's expectations of me are. It has helped me grow as a person and allowed me to put myself and my happiness first and not feel like I am being selfish, like I had previously thought.”
-Kayleigh, 33

I have created the most powerful room to be in as a woman in her thirties.
Here’s why:
The week of my 33rd birthday, my four-year relationship unexpectedly came to an end the same week that I lost my full-time job.
Life wasn’t exactly working out as I had envisaged, but somewhere deep down, I knew that this was the start of something new. Instead of falling apart, I saw it as an opportunity to transform my life and create a different, even better version.
I intentionally set out to reclaim my life. To do this, I used the coaching concepts that I have learnt and taught over the past five years, to help create a life that was SO MUCH BETTER than the life I was living before.

On this journey, I felt constantly called to connect with other women who had experienced similar struggles. Women who had also gone through big life transformations in their thirties and who were dedicated to living their own path, instead of conforming to others.
I wanted to be with a group of people who understood me, instead of constantly having to explain myself to my family and friends who were worried about me not being the same as them.
And yes - I still want all the ‘things’, but I am not going to compromise and settle on the quality of my life whilst I get them.
This is why I have created this group, so that we can come together and embrace our status as single, independent women in our thirties. To live as we please and not feel bad about it. To learn tangible, practical skills so that you can manifest anything that you want.
Women are at their most powerful when they come together.
Collectively we will come together and support each other to make big life changes.
A powerful group of women coming together to support each other by sharing input and advice with one another. We will expand each other, uplift each other and hold each other, making sure that every single person will be seen and heard.
An organized revolution of what life should be like in our thirties. We are no longer accepting society's definitions and together we will unlearn what we ‘should’ be doing, to make way with what we truly want to do.
A 100% safe, exclusive space where you can be fully yourself, unapologetically. This is a room where you will receive resources so that you can grow and develop effectively over a three month period and become a stronger, better version of yourself.
Love Notes from the Reclaim Community

You don’t have to settle for a life that is less than you deserve.
You have to stop expecting that things will just change as time goes on.
Take your life into your own hands and create the change yourself.
TAKE CONTROL of your future.
FEEL PROUD of the life you are building.
EMBRACE yourself and the woman you are becoming.

I think you are here for a reason
I’m the first one to admit that being in your thirties and being in a different stage of life to where you thought you would be, or to those that are around you, can be triggering. It can cause you to question yourself and your life decisions and in the worst case, it can cause you to feel hopeless about your future.
But you have two options at this point: to give up and resign yourself to not living a life that is all of the things it should be, or take control and start taking action.
It will require you to step up and admit that you want a different life.
It will require you to invest in yourself and believe in the idea that you can build a different reality, no matter how that might look.
And no, you don’t have to dedicate your thirties to meeting someone, you can create the life you want AND ALSO open yourself up to meeting someone.
“I have learned more about myself over the past 4 months than I have in my entire 31 years. Emma gives you a safe space to express your worries, and validates the way you are feeling is in fact totally normal. I found Emma's masterclasses very interesting, the turning 30 course has really helped me, and I have decided to continue with Emma's coaching because I want to keep growing and breaking through barriers in my life. Thank you Emma!”
-Natalie, 32
Not to mention, you will ALSO gain:
More TIME: When you stop wasting emotional energy and time worrying about other people and what they are doing, you gain so much more time to focus on yourself.
More CLARITY: once you turn the volume up on yourself and get to know yourself more, you will be able to make aligned decisions based on who you really are.
More MONEY: yes you heard it, less time spent distracting yourself from your feelings and running away from life by spending on clothes, holidays, eating etc which means less damage to your bank account!
More FRIENDS: you will come out of this with a new group of friends, a team of cheerleaders with a special bond from to after being in the group together.
Sounds like a future you can get on board with?

This program is made for you if:
You feel pressure from those around you to live your life a certain way but you want to live authentically, in a way that feels right to you.
You have just gone through or know that you are on the cusp of a transformational period in your life. This may be a relationship break-up, a big career transition, moving to a country or city, or just in general, making some big life decisions.
You have already started your journey of self-growth, diving into podcasts and self-help books and now you are ready to take what you have learnt and actually see some tangible results from it.
You are READY to invest in yourself: time, energy & money.
You are willing to put in work to show up for yourself.
You feel ready to embrace your status as a ‘late-bloomer’ as something positive and empowering, instead of a feeling like a failure.
You are ready to be vulnerable and interact (if you don’t want to speak in a group setting, this group might not be for you, but if this is something you want to do but feel nervous to do it- the group will provide the perfect setting for it).
You are done pretending that you are ok with where you are right now. You don’t want a mediocre life and you don’t want to settle for something less.
You feel that being around other women is something to lift you up and embrace (we aren’t in high school cliques in this group and sisterhood is very important).
Imagine a future-you
What would happen in four months from now if you finally stepped up and admitted “I AM READY FOR SOMETHING MORE”?
The future version of you in four months time will have:
More ownership over her chosen life path and less guilt about living a life on her own terms.
A better relationship with herself. During the program you will get to know yourself on a whole new level.
Better relationships with others. Living your most authentic self will inevitably lead you to better and more fulfilling relationships with those around you.
Who I am
Over the past five years, I have learnt and developed my coaching tools that have enabled me to grow from a lost and confused 29 year old to a confident and empowered 34 year old.
In this time I have:
Left a career that I knew wasn’t fulfilling me, that I had wanted to leave for years
Followed my dream to create a fully-booked coaching business that I know is my true calling
Ended a four-year relationship that wasn’t serving me to embrace being single and dating in my mid-thirties
Moved in to my dream apartment to live alone and became fully self-sufficient in every sense of the word
Spent my winter on the beaches of Mexico and Costa Rica, working as a digital nomad
Developed a consistent balanced routine, including daily journaling and a yoga practice (29 year old me did not exercise AT ALL!)
Full confidence that I am on the right path and I can coach myself through anything that life brings my way
Chosen to live a life that feels right for me, embracing who I am and not being afraid to strive for more instead of settle for less
These results are a culmination of investing in my own coaching, developing tools and skills over time to create this life that I love. My mission now is to share this with as many people as possible, so it doesn’t also have to take you years.

My Clients
I have taken these tools and worked with over 100 women in their thirties to help go through huge life transitions and reach their personal goals.
My clients are living proof of the results that can be created in only three months of coaching. The big change is always how it feels on the inside, but in addition to this, here are just a snapshot of some of the results my clients have been getting by learning and implementing my three-step method:
Quit jobs that they didn’t like and found amazing new jobs that are much more suited to them

Left romantic relationships that weren’t serving them

Learned how to like their current job, when they were convinced they wanted to leave

Started actively dating again, many starting new committed relationships

Been promoted in their current role with significant salary increases

Taken the leap to set up their own businesses, from consultancies to life coaching practices

Set up a side-hustle and learning how to balance this with their current job

Changed their money mindset, enabling them to stop bad spending habits and start saving up

Improved relationships with existing romantic partners, family members and friends

Making decisions to move country/city after years of debating whether to do it

Going on solo adventures and taking solo travel trips to dream locations

Started new hobbies and implemented healthy lifestyle routines

I have worked with over 100 women in their thirties to help go through huge life transitions and reach their personal goals.

“I feel in a completely different place mindset-wise now vs the beginning of the program. I highly recommend if you are at a life crossroads!”
- Karli, 32
Hear it from them:
“After just a few weeks of working with Emma, I started to completely turn my life around! I quit my job and started on my entrepreneurial journey - something I’d dreamed of for years! I trusted myself, had my own back, and made decisions that were right for ME, without needing approval for others.”
- Sarah, 29

“Having completed the programme. I feel like a completely different person. I was fearful, insecure, anxious and fearful. Now I'm calm, more confident, and look at uncomfortable situations with a growth mindset.”
- Kam, 30
Inside the course
The group is an immersive four-month coaching program:
4 months of live interactive content
4 x Reclaim Your 30's MASTERCLASSES
Live group coaching sessions
Exclusive interactive community forum
Access to The Next Chapter foundations course which includes:
Self-Study Modules
100-page Workbook
Workshop Recordings on Turning 30 Concepts
Guest Speaker Sessions with workshops on:
Human Design

Month 1: REFLECT
1 month deep dive of getting to know the true YOU.
Week 1: Opening Ceremony and Turn the Volume up on YOU masterclass
Week 2: Live group coaching session
Week 3: Human Design: Live your design workshop w/ Jelena
Week 4: Integration week
Month 2: REFRAME
Change the narratives dictating your results
Week 1: Reframe Masterclass
Week 2: Live group coaching session
Week 3: Mindset Workshop w/ Dror
Week 4: Integration week
Month 3: REBUILD
Manifestation month- how to build a future that you can’t wait to live
Week 1: The Future You Workshop (Manifestation masterclass)
Week 2: Live Group Coaching Call
Week 3: Breathwork w/ Aubrey
Week 4: Integration week
Month 4: RENEW
A whole month of renewing your confidence and
self-worth, so you can go and pursue your goals!
Week 1: Renewal Masterclass: confidence and boundaries workshop
Week 2: Live Group Coaching Call
Week 3: How to shift your dating mindset w/ The Compatibility Coach
Week 4: Closing ceremony!
Here's what you'll get:

Reclaim Live Masterclasses
In four live masterclasses spread out throughout the program, I will teach you the four steps to Reclaiming Your 30s:
1. Reflect
2. Reframe
3. Rebuild
4. Renew
This will give you all the coaching tools and skills you need to learn in order to take part in the program.
Four Steps to Reclaiming Your 30s:
REFLECT: Turning Volume Up On You
Learn how to focus on yourself, pour into your own cup and develop ‘Main Character Energy’.
Stop people-pleasing and being obsessed with what others are doing/thinking/feeling about you.
Establish a daily routine and weekly habits that work for you.
Learn how to stop comparison and release the focus on hitting timelines and future milestone.
REFRAME: Mastering Your Mind
Learn how to access your thoughts and figure out limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
Understand the three step process of Reflect/Accept/Take Action when creating change.
Learn the Turning 30 Coaching Model that will enable you to take control of your mind and create new thoughts.
Understand your emotions better and learn how to process them instead of avoiding them.
REBUILD: Manifesting Future You
Get fully clear on your values and what is important to you.
Understand who the future version of yourself is and then embody and embrace her.
Learn how to overcome blocks and obstacles stopping you from creating the future version of yourself that you truly want to become.
RENEW: Becoming the New You
Stop people-pleasing and learn how to set boundaries.
Take committed action to become the version of yourself that you are manifesting.
Learn how to be more confident using the method of the Confidence Loop.
Guest Speakers

Dror Ishai
Dror is a Mindset Therapist and coach (trained in Rapid Transformational Therapy). Dror helps you uncover and replace your limiting beliefs that are the root cause of any issue you are dealing with: elationships, weight loss, depression, anxiety and even autoimmune diseases. All of these stem from our beliefs about ourselves and our environment. In this workshop, you’ll tap into the incredible power of your subconscious mind along with practical daily tools to create a new reality.

Jelena Holodkova
Jelena is a certified Human Design guide and a workshop facilitator. In addition to Human Design, her method includes principles of psychology to help others understand themselves better to live a life of ease and flow.
She will be leading a session on Human Design - a self-awareness tool that shows you how you are uniquely wired to thrive. By using Human Design you can tune into what feels good to you, how you are wired to make decisions, and allow yourself to be exactly who you are

Caitlin Bedford
Caitlin, the 'Compatibility Coach' helps women get great relationships, with themselves and others. Truly believing it's time to create a world where being single feels empowering, dating is hopeful and fun and relationships are committed and healthy, Caitlin works with clients to ditch toxic relationship patterns, heartbreak and dating emotionally unavailable partners.

Aubrey Thomas
Through the somatic experience of the breath, you can get out of your head and drop into the body. Breathwork helps release stress, anxiety, trapped emotions, trauma, and other blockages from the body that may be holding you back! Aubrey takes you on a unique journey so you can feel more confident, clear, leave the pain of the past behind you and finally start attracting what you deserve!

“I really enjoyed being part of the Reclaim programme. It was brilliant to meet a tribe of women who I could really relate to and felt like I had a safe space to share my experiences and know others were going through similar things.
Being part of a group and sharing in others coaching journeys was really powerful. As a 1:1 client of Emma’s, I found the group setup a really helpful way to solidify my understanding of the coaching techniques Emma teaches. I was able to spot some of the patterns in others thoughts and identify questions to ask to help them reshape their thoughts resulting in a more positive result. We still use the Slack group to share updates, seek advice and support each other. I feel very lucky to have met such a brilliant group of women and, as always, be guided by Emma’s calm, patient and inspiring coaching.”
-Nikki, 36
Love Notes from the Reclaim Community
Frequently Asked Questions
About the Program
About You
Are you ready to reclaim your 30s?
Applications for the June group are now open.
Once you have completed your payment, you will be given immediate access to the Reclaim Portal with details of the next steps.
On payment, you will be agreeing to the Terms of Sale of the Reclaim Program.
“I had been feeling stuck in all areas of life for a while before I signed up for Emma's Reclaim Program. I admit I was a bit hesitant at first, because I'm quite introverted and hardly ever the first one to speak in a group. But looking back, I'm so happy I took the plunge! It's been a wonderful experience, being surrounded by like-minded women who face similar struggles. Loved the safe space, where we shared our stories without filter, showed up vulnerably and left judgements aside. Emma's concepts of 'emotional childhood' vs. 'emotional adulthood' and the beautiful 'choosing to believe' principle have proven to be game-changers. I frequently refer back to her models, which have helped me tremendously to regain my control. I'm proud of myself for taking steps - I finally booked the solo trip of my dreams and embarked on my freelance copywriting journey. After such a long stretch of 'standing still', I can't express how good it feels to be in motion again!”
-Anne-Fleur, 31