This article isn’t about how to look good at your 30th birthday party, or cool outfit ideas to suit your new age. If that’s what you wanted to read you’ve come to the wrong place, however you might like this article instead.
This article isn’t about how to keep up with the latest trends and to stay in touch with the cool kids rocking pvc puffer jackets and Buffalo trainers. We were there for the trend the first time round- so we’re going to sit the second round out.
Nor is this article going to tell you how to develop your look now you are entering your new decade. It is not going to suggest how to style your hair to look more mature, or create a capsule wardrobe to maximize your budget and your closet space.
So you might be wondering, what is it about?
It is about turning 30 in style: in your mind.
I am a life coach helping women to believe in themselves during the challenging time of turning 30. Because turning 30 in style has very little to do with your physical appearance, and everything to do with your mindset: confidence, clarity, pride and name but a few.
Turning 30 in style means shaking off all of those negative thoughts that society puts in our heads: that a woman who is 30 and still hasn't found her prince charming is any less worthy. That a woman who is 30 and still hasn’t found her dream career is a failure. Or a woman who is 30 who isn’t about to put a deposit on a house isn’t financially stable.
Turning 30 in style means that it doesn’t matter where you are in your life compared to others around you. It is about embracing what you have achieved and who you have become, rather than mourning the 30 year old imaginary self you concocted at the ripe old age of 22.
Turning 30 in style means taking all of those negative and confused thoughts that are swimming around in your head, and replacing them with strong and confident thoughts. And when you truly believe them I promise, turning 30 becomes a breeze.
Turning 30 and your mind isn’t feeling so stylish? Want help to feel empowered and motivated?
My mission is to help you connect to your 30 something self that wants to feel positive, and to work on any limiting beliefs stopping you from getting there.
In my new group program “The Next Chapter: Reclaim Your 30's” that is launching this month, I will guide you to build a life that you LOVE at thirty. To sign up to the waitlist to be the first to hear when I launch, send your email to me by clicking here.